Thursday, February 18, 2016


Everything had gone so elegantly at The Freibergs' dinner party, but thankfully no one stepped into the kitchen to see the frenzied mess that their maid Hermione had created behind the scenes. By staying out, they also missed her sampling the after-dinner cordial before it was presented to the table!
Kermit didn't like the fact that his boys felt the need to settle every one of their differences with fisticuffs, but as it was bound to happen anyway, he figured he may as well serve as referee (and try in the process to protect their new light fixture from Kresge's.)
At first, Dawn Marie and Millicent's mother was mortified that her daughters would be working at the infamous Playboy Supper Club, but when she saw that the dress code had been significantly changed for their Salt Lake City location, she relaxed about it to a degree.


Anonymous said...

And Hermione drinks a little

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I'd drink, too, if I had to work in that depressing kitchen.

And just what exactly is that stuff hanging above the counter? Or do I not want to know?

Poseidon3 said...

Let's just say it's easier for Hermione to dry her "things" over the stove than to schlep up and down four flights of stairs to the electric dryer....