Thursday, February 25, 2016


Howard was eager to get down to the Ferris wheel before too much of a line formed, but Sadie insisted that he stop and take a picture of her in her new imitation Pucci from Sears-Roebuck before any stray debris from sno-cones or elephant ears ruined it!
Teffeni, Charmise and Carol Lee were happy at first to be promised $60.00 apiece in order to work a lingerie show, but were disheartened to get to the "event" and find that the only people in attendance were Geoff and three of his poker buddies...
Most of the neighborhood seemed disturbed and alarmed that no one had seen Wayne's live-in girlfriend Krissi for nearly two weeks following a public brawl and their fears were not allayed when Betsi came forward with a possible clue that her dog Sherlock had discovered under some freshly-planted daffodils!


Anonymous said...

This post is another strong candidate for Best Costume Design :)

Poseidon3 said...

Hair & make-up is no slouch either! LOL

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

"...just lots of good will
and maybe one small thrill,
But there's nothing dirty going on!"

At least where Teffeni, Charmise and Carol Lee are concerned!

Not so sure the same can be said for Sadie and Betsi

Poseidon3 said...

Exactly! You know, I did that show ("Best Little Whorehouse") last May and this is exactly the type of gal who'd have right been at home at the Chicken Ranch! LOL