Monday, June 10, 2013


Chester found his papier-mâché bear costume the perfect way to meet handsome, unsuspecting, salt 'n pepper daddies at Six Flags Over Boise. 
Fleeing felons Nelson and Theo had successfully swapped clothing with their female victims, but now had to sit tight until the ladies beneath the sand had completely suffocated before they could move to the next hideaway. 
Matilda knew that with continued practice, her complicated trapeze routine would be circus worthy, especially once she no longer had to keep her feet on the ground. 
Timmy was electrified to receive the guitar he wanted on Christmas morning, but Skip felt that the songs would sound far better if Timmy learned the right way to hold and strum the instrument. 
Though they tried to mask it during what was now the 22nd reunion of their platoon, Harmon and Charlie knew that their old buddy Clifford was slipping and was no longer the fresh, spry dog-faced G.I. they'd palled around with back in the day. 
The candy had been strung through the yard and Eddie and Suzanne Fimmel had followed it according to plan. Now all Mr. Peterson had to do in order to enjoy peace in his retirement was wait for them to trip the wire that would bring the lid down on them for good! 
Millie couldn't understand what was taking Fred so long to get ready. She'd had her wig on straight and her bingo chips and dabbers ready for the past 17 minutes and there wouldn't be a good seat left in the VFW at this rate! 

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