Thursday, December 26, 2019


With all the family out the door and dishes finally washed, dried and put away, Evelyn traded in her heels for a pair of slippers and slunk down in the chair for a post-holiday nap.
Since Ranie had already given up her jeans and coat in order to outfit Sean's snowman, she prayed in earnest that there were no remaining accessories that she'd have to provide with the 27-degree wind chill that was whipping through the trees...!
Rayjean was generally in good spirits of a morning, but there was one thing that never failed to get her from zero-to-sixty in seconds flat on the crazy meter and that was finding out that someone used all the ice in the ice trays the night before without filling them back up with water.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I'm trying to decide if Rayjean's dress would look better as curtains and the curtains as Rayjean's dress...or are they both disastrous no matter where they are???

Poseidon3 said...

I can get on board with her dress as curtains, but the curtains would only make a good dress if she worked the breakfast or lunch shift at a home-cooking diner. LOL