Thursday, December 5, 2019


At the Lion's Club fundraiser, "Ali Baba's Arabian Adventure," Garrison decided to try his hand at snake charming while Veronica did her dance of the seventh veils, but he was ultimately embarrassed by just which snake began to emerge from underneath his trumpet!
When word got out that Anitra Ford was considering leaving The Price is Right, Viola decked herself out for all she was worth and made her hubby Stan take some audition photos of her presenting their "brand... new... car!"
Clarice had been repeatedly warned to not feed the chipmunks because in time they could grow dependent on her and turn violent if she ever stopped, but to her delight she found that some of them were beyond affectionate, even if she didn't have any nuts or popcorn on hand!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Viola, please!...There never has been and never will be another Anitra Ford!

However, I do like her skirt.

Poseidon3 said...

Agreed! (On both counts!)