Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Left-fielder Jerry Batson was sick to death of his Yankees losing game after game because of a shoddy catcher, so he encouraged his teammates to press for the signing of the best candidate he'd ever known when it came to receiving and retrieving baseballs - his pal Nicodemus.
Thelma knew that Barton adored the taste of the chipped beef and redeye gravy served on Wednesday nights down in the Cloudy Acres dining hall, so rather than bring him back half of her own, she thought she'd try to smuggle him in disguised as her old sorority friend Berniece...
It disappointed Juliana so much that every time she momentarily stepped away from her daughter Francie, she would later find her loitering someplace likely to find a guy!
That fact that it had been a present from Aunt Florence during his and his mom's visit to her did nothing to change the fact that Richie had no intention in this world of riding home alone in the backseat with Ziggy the Rabbit...
And so another potentially relaxing afternoon in the sun was spoiled for Ponce when he noticed the neighbor's cat Trix trying to slink in uninvited...
As the "All That Magical Jazz" routine wore on, Charity's mother began to regret asking her to demonstrate it in the living room where the white carpet was in such close proximity to the moist potting soil contained in the recently obtained poinsettia!

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