Monday, August 4, 2014


Not content to merely help his grandpa weed the flower beds and mow every now and then, Wilbur also felt it was his duty to protect the family grounds from any interlopers, or even visitors, who might stumble on the property!
Timothy always thought he knew so much and did everything better than anyone else, but Megan knew in her heart that he was holding up his calendar at an angle in which the flash would wash it out while hers was just right. Unfortunately, she'd have to wait two weeks until the film came back from developing in order to prove it!
Oswald had no way of knowing it at the time, but this was the day Monica decided that his nightly saucer of cream was going to be switched with 2% milk until it no longer strained her shoulders to pick him up and pose for a quick snapshot!
Yes, Christmas was nearly spoiled for Travis when he opened up his first present and saw that an overworked Santa had accidentally sent him Cathy Quick Curl, but fortunately the Steve Austin figure he'd really wanted was inside the very next package he opened...
Marianne swiftly found out that her mother hadn't been at all exaggerating when she predicted that her new polka-dotted, backless halter dress would have the neighborhood boys falling over themselves to catch a glimpse of her!
Ordinarily, Kenny was concerned about potential wisecracks from his fellow classmates whenever his father Claude came to school, but as this was the Annual Halloween Father Son Pancake & Goetta Social, things fell right into place for once!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Lee Majors and a Cathy Quick Curl!!!

It's just a question of time before he asks for a copy of "Liza With a Z"

Poseidon3 said...

These were tough decisions for me, too! ;-)