Thursday, August 24, 2017


Byron "Lefty" Hankelman spent most of the morning diving for treasure, but came up empty. However, some of the people on the shoreline discovered one of his pearls when he came out of the water...
Though she certainly loved her jewelry and other accessories, Natalie adhered to her mother's sage advice that one should remove one thing before leaving the house in order to not appear gauche... so she wiped off one beauty mark.
Gwen hadn't even taken the self-defense course that Gordon was giving her coworkers at Union Trust very seriously, but nonetheless when he began his "assault," she flung him over her shoulder and down the hill, hitting two different piles of doggie doo on the way!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Phew!...I'm glad the one thing Natalie removed before leaving the house wasn't her bra!

Poseidon3 said...

Probably too much trouble to GET to it! ;-)