Friday, March 6, 2015


Doris has been told that the people of Chicago weren't always very friendly, but she found the opposite to be true when she was posing for this photo by Marge and Sal Benetucci, a total stranger, came up and got in the shot with her!
Zelda had been told that if she swam out to Wishing Rock, closed her eyes and repeated what she was hoping for five times slowly, that they would open again to find her dream had come true. Upon glimpsing newfound mate Gerald, a life insurance salesman from Hackensack, New Jersey, she realized that she had only repeated her wish four times and not five...
One stellar attraction along the outskirts of Reno, Nevada was the act of Peter, Paul and Marnie, who headlined at The Brass Kettle nightclub's piano room when not fulfilling their other duties such as valet parking, candy shop cashier and maĆ®tre d'... 
Rodney was heavily in to status symbols, such as gleaning the most Christmas cards from friends and family as was conceivably possible, though this did tend to interfere with his decor after a certain point.
With the party only three days away, Bertha and Maybelle couldn't come to terms on the best way to gift wrap an African violet so that it would still get light and yet not dry out too much.
Cheryl was thrilled with the wedding present she and Keith received from Uncle Irwin and could already visualize the romance, but Keith was less enthusiastic seeing as how they only owned a standard double bed with a spring mattress...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I gotta get my hands on some tickets to that Peter, Paul & Marnie gig in Reno.

Poseidon3 said...

RIGHT???!! Ha Ha! I had a feeling you'd enjoy them...