Friday, March 20, 2015


Always afraid that his inflatable canoe might drift away overnight, Howard was always sure to "dock" it way up on the shore, outside the water, though this practice did make getting started in the mornings something of a challenge...
Mike had always been interested in wildlife and wanted to observe animals like this squirrel up close and personal. This time he found out in a very clear and direct manner that squirrels have a real fondness for nuts!
Gary had already decided that his next house would not only include fewer people clambering for the bathroom, but also would have a bathroom in which the back of the toilet didn't also have to serve as his vanity counter! He would hold out for a proper mirror and a sink!
Henrietta had searched long and hard all around the beach house for some shade and never did find it, though a couple of the people in attendance that weekend did note that when she stood still for a while, she at least created some for the rest of them...
Yogi had been contracted to entertain campers at Jellystone National Park from 9:00am to 4:00pm, but every once in a while, usually in the midst of a hard week, he would break out the honey ale around 2:00 exclaiming, "It's 4:00 somewhere!"
Rayna had entered secretarial school with the express plan to meet a handsome boss and ultimately become "first lady" of a grand corporation, so this first gig as a file clerk in the badly-lit bowels of a paper clip manufacturing factory definitely failed to meet her expectations.

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