Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Stefano had been seeing both Gina and Ramona Fallducci over the course of the summer and chose November 1st as the day he would finally decide which one to stick with... Let's just say that only one of the gals walked away from this precipice....
Emmaline found life at the Kenya Animal Preserve a great deal more civilized and with more modern conveniences than she'd originally expected. It's just that getting ready for dinner in front of an audience took some getting used to...
Knowing that she had to see Mel off at the airport from the runway itself, Gwen opted for two coats of Move-Knott Ultra Mist hairspray, lest her newly-coiffed style would be punished by the backdraft of nearby jet engines.
Before committing to another pregnancy, Veronica tested the waters of Jeffrey's compatibility to a new sibling by introducing him to a small baby doll. After krazy-gluing the ear back on, she opted to wait another six months before trying it again.
Realizing that it would thrill young Ira to bits, Rosalie got up extra early Christmas morning and slipped into the living room just in time to see Santa Claus squatting before the fireplace, ready to ascend and head to the next home.
What would have been a monumental moment for Valerie was spoiled when she overheard her soon-to-be mother-in-law Stella Fae remarking to her relatives that Valerie was a terrible cook whose best moments in the kitchen involved a foil tray and a toaster oven!

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