Monday, April 21, 2014


Ten years after the disbanding of The Super Friends, Wonder Woman attempted a reunion, but things just weren't the same. Superman and Robin didn't even come, Batman had become a small-town sheriff, Aquaman had gained weight and was running a catfish farm, Zan had gone Goth and Jayna became a gypsy who hung out with Spider-Man half the time.
Mervyn did not appreciate having his photo snapped after 10:30, which was his private "cozy up" time...
Even in the crib, Bernadette saw and heard things that no one else could take notice of. Here, she's listening to a message from beyond to eat all her veggies so she will grow up strong and healthy.
Frances didn't believe in a wide variety of items on the menu at the Exhaust Pipe Cafe and Pit Stop, choosing to focus only on those specialties for which she'd been praised all her life, though in 1987 she did shock everyone by adding Grilled Chicken Salad to the list.
Rodney got a call from his parents asking if he'd managed to acquire all the things he needed for his new apartment, though at this juncture he opted not to tell them one of them was Connie...
One of seventy-two year-old Ira Finkelstein's favorite pranks was to dress in baby clothes, sit in a buggy and surprise admiring passersby with a sudden, jarring rendition of "Skip to My Loo." 

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