Friday, April 4, 2014


As his mother Ella captured this shot, she couldn't help thinking that maybe NOW Arnie would listen to her and stop trying to crawl face first down the coal chute.
Arthur tried to offer Liza Marie a plate of food, but she made it quite clear that all she required was a bottle of beer and a nice tender jowl.  
Easter at The Buttered Bun Cafe was a festive time as Nan amply demonstrated with her bonnet.  However, customers in the know were well aware that ordering a hard-boiled egg around this time was ill-advised, for often she'd just pinch one from her hat and put it on the plate!
Carol Sue couldn't get over how plush and cushiony the seats were in Ralph's new car... until he pointed out that she wasn't just sitting on the seat and that his wife Thelma might need some help getting out now!
For Brenda, everything was a special occasion.  Even an intimate picnic with romantic music on the portable radio wasn't complete without a few Lawrence Welk bubbles added to the mix...
So in that split second, Brian realized that it wasn't such a smart idea to pose with Champ mere moments after wolfing down an Egg McMuffin!

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