Friday, December 13, 2013


As the afternoon wore on, Carol Jean and Martha started to wonder just exactly what the secret ingredient was that Melvin slipped into his famous cherry limeade...
Eloise ultimately decided that a red-hot Toni Tenille 'do was not going to land Sam back in accounting all by itself and that she'd have to pull out the big guns if she was going to have her way with him.
Kent was proud to be team captain and pose with the basketball in these group shots, but it also meant that his hands were so occupied that he couldn't get quite the same "charge" out of the situation that some of his teammates did.
What a lovely afternoon the Matterhorns had out at Great Aunt Hilda's... and this time she even let them each have a quick turn at the supper table before wolfing most of it down in a flash!
During her trying, often dull marriage to Senator John Warner, Elizabeth Taylor briefly took up organ lessons until the lure of Tinseltown caused her to concentrate on movies once again.
Veronica was determined not to pale in comparison to the neighborhood's paperBOYS and was renowned for her service.  Not only did she deliver the news on holidays, but she refused to toss the papers on the porch, preferring to bring them right into the houses!

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