Thursday, May 30, 2019


Leoda was a stickler for things symmetrical and in their proper place. She liked her pictures even, her lamps facing east and her men, like Chester, horizontal...
Mrs. Breyer warned Alura over and over again not to pose in her tulle ballet costume so close to the rose bushes and, in fact, thanks to all the snags it suffered, she was relegated to the third row on the night of the big recital.
Chipper didn't trust Mrs. Greene to fetch the correct Ken-L Ration dog food from the local Piggly-Wiggly during her weekly trip so he hopped up on ol' Bullet with her and rode along so he could supervise the shopping!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I'm a little worried that Leoda's photographer might be in for a Sharon Stone moment.

Poseidon3 said...

Oh dear... is there an ashtray on the coffee table? She might be arrested for smoking!