Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Fortunately Bud stopped by Uncle Norb's house on the way to pick up his prom date because Norb's innate fashion sense led him to ditch the boxer shorts under his Dacron trousers as they were leaving a visible line across his thighs which would show up in all the pictures!
Harold was incredibly proud of the pheasant he bagged and wanted to keep it on display in the living room indefinitely, but Marjorie but her foot down and declared that the only bird she wanted anywhere near her TV set was the NBC peacock!
Glenn thought he was getting a great portrait of his new burly physique, but he didn't count on Uncle Roger finding at least two more interesting things going on to the right of the frame, which wound up in the snapshot, while he was nearly cut out!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I feel sorry for the men in this posting, because I'm spending more time focusing on the TV and accompanying stand than I am on any of them.

Poseidon3 said...

Even the two lolling on the ground together with just one towel?? Ha ha!