Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Geraldine knew better than to speed through Felicity and was distraught when she was pulled over. But her real troubles began with Sheriff Titus took her to "court," which was his own front porch, whereupon he sat down and informed her that he was also the city's judge!
His teammates scoffed when Warren told them who he had in mind as the new shortstop to replace Frankie, but once they saw the grit and determination (not to mention the avalanche of outs) that Tiger brought to the team, they quickly got over their initial reservations!
Nola, having grown tired of single parenting, decided she was going to land herself a new husband, preferably famed cosmetic surgeon Dr. Breston who happened to be at Cone Point Beach that day. So she enlisted Dori to build a type of "sand castle" that would be sure to draw his eye to them...

1 comment:

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Where are all the men at this beach?...Oh, wait. There's one in the back. Phew!