Tuesday, April 10, 2018


At Verna June's wedding, at which she was a bridesmaid, Cara Lee did NOT want to wear the pink dress. She even wrestled her cousin Leanne over it, but lost - severely - which wound up only adding to her humiliation on the big day...
Terrence winced when he saw little Janie's hand go up for a question of their Himalayan guide Ngonga for he knew from experience that the wizened old man didn't like interruptions if it was something he was likely to cover in a few moments himself...
Angelica just never learned. She'd already gotten her right arm damaged when she tried this on Norb earlier in the evening, but something about Allan was just crying out for a second-attempt, from-behind grope!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Hmm! The Himalayan hills certainly aren't alive with the sound of music...not with the Von Trash family climbing them.

Too nasty???

Poseidon3 said...

I was hoping this particular series of photos might "break" you up, not make you "cast" aspersions on people. LOL