Thursday, October 26, 2017


Cathy got exactly what she wanted for Christmas, a Talky Tina doll, but somehow that very morning there seemed to be a distinct change in her, and there was right up until the house burnt down...
And so Rae Ellen learned the hard way not to pose between the wheels of heavy machinery at the Spring Flats Agriculture Expo, especially when the keys were still in the ignition!
As the holiday loomed, Wendell asked his wife Lenore what she might like for Christmas, but anything he might buy for her was gravy since she'd already arranged with Santa Claus to have her most coveted possession delivered to her stocking... a diaphragm!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Tina's eyeing the knife drawer, isn't she?

Poseidon3 said...

..or Daddy's oversized lighter on the nearby coffee table! :-O