Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Janetta was willing to risk her new poly-satin pants suit in order to hit the floor and pose with sister Jeanne next to Jeanne's Christmas tree, but she knew that eventually they were going to have to have a talk about how garland should be properly applied to the branches...
Tammy could hardly wait to introduce her new boyfriend Craig Javaman to her aunts, Polly and Maybelle, and it turned out that they actually liked him far more than she'd initially anticipated from the two hardened divorcees...
Jeremy was surprisingly interested in hearing all about Tanya's success with Mary Kay cosmetics, but Edd checked out only about 3 minutes in and proceeded to fiddle with his drink until the subject finally was changed.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I wish I has an Aunt Janetta...or, at least, her snakeskin jumpsuit.

Poseidon3 said...

Right? She'd liven up any get-together, I'm sure!