Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Anson was so excited to add another pet to the family and decided to call his hamster Richie, but when Rex and Monica looked into the cage, all they saw was LUNCH!
At first, everyone seemed to like Angelica's new boyfriend Buddy pretty well, but their opinion shifted somewhat when they witnessed him screaming at her across a parking lot to "Get your can over here, right now!"
Frenetta Sugartiche usually liked to spend time indoors, but could occasionally be coaxed out onto the patio for a spirited game of ping pong before bedtime.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Oh! So, that's Mrs. Sugartiche. I never suspected for a moment that she was, both, a fashion plate and an athlete.

Poseidon3 said...

The term "athlete" might be a stretch in her case since the ping-pong opponent in this case is snowball the cat! LOL