Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Ferdy was so dehydrated and exhausted from a full day's work at the Phillips 66 service station that he couldn't wait to come home and enjoy an iced tea. Unfortunately, his new roomie Rocco made it Long Island style!
Rosie Greer wasn't about to let a near-fatal car crash kill off her precious poodle RayAnn, so she underwent experimental surgery to conjoin the pooches head to her own shoulders so that they could continue to enjoy one another's company.
Venita Proan liked to live large, emulating her idol from Argentina in every possible way, even though Venita lived in Little Rock, Arkansas!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

As long as Rosie and RayAnn don't argue as much as Rosey and Ray did, then all should be well!...However, for Rosie's sake, I really hope her doorbell doesn't ring that often!

As for Venita's white glove, I guess she'll find out after the photo shoot whether or not the servants have been lax in their mantle-dusting duties.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! Glad you got the reference with the "Two Heads." Hysterical about the door bell ringing...! I think Venita needs few excuses to tear loose on the help.