Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Perhaps it was because they knew they were ultimately going to have to clean up all the mess, but Lee and Peggy seemed startlingly unenthusiastic about the kids' attempt to prepare them a home-cooked anniversary breakfast buffet.
It had been such a long while between haircuts that Charlie felt he needed to do a little something extra special with his before heading out to Pinochle Night down at the Vidal Valley Elks Lodge.
Marie was so disappointed that Wayne (who was colorblind) chose his own outfit the evening this portrait was snapped, especially after she'd already laid out his navy blue leisure suit with red polyester shirt and white tie, which he didn't notice...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Great!...I finally get back on-line and it's Creepy Day here at The Kaptions.

Fortunately, I scrolled down and was able to see the winner of last year's Dinah Shore Golf Tournament and a snazzy shot of some prozzies from what I assume is an unaired Love Boat episode.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha! "Creepy Day." More like "Kreepy Day," right, in keeping with our krazy spelling? Glad you're back.

P.S. - Might be an old "McHale's Navy" rather than "The Love Boat!" Hee!