Thursday, January 11, 2018


As the fur on her favorite winter coat had worn through and Jennifer had an important first date coming up, she wanted the local tailor to redo it as soon as possible. He asked her to bring her fur of choice to his shop, but she had trouble making up her mind which would work best!
Another scorcher at Camp Hanes during a photo op. Private Marx, front row center, decided to fashion himself a fake mustache while Lt. Munsing, back row second from the right, declined to even slip on pants for the occasion.
Thomasina just knew she was going to get at least an honorable mention for her striking hybrid carrots at this year's Harvest Moon Festival. And her husband Clem thought they were great for separating the corn from the mashed potatoes and gravy on his dinner plate.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Well, as the saying goes..."Gentlemen prefer Hanes"

Poseidon3 said...

Wonder if there were any fruits of the loom there...