Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Sherman knew that all of his other naval buddies on Fiji were likely going to be wearing traditional grass skirts to Luthor's Saturday night get-together so he decided to really wow them with a surprise green-glitter job he'd saved up for and purchased from one of the few local shops.
True, most parties tended to have a congregation form in the kitchen, but Velda was so keen on showing off her new "Autumn Moment" shower curtain (with unseen matching towels) that, this time, the bathroom became a focal point for conversation.
While other toddlers seemed not to worry about what they wore or how they looked in general, Geneva struggled with every conceivable angle. Thus, when it came time to prepare for Timmy's second birthday, she agonized over whether to go with the blonde bouffant or mix it up with a dark brown shag...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

If for any reason Geneva's wigs go missing, I suggest you check Sherman's footlocker.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! I'd love to see him in that with his grass skirt.