Tuesday, November 28, 2017


So many people asked Garry just how it was that he was able to keep his reputation as THE coolest guy of 1973 and his answer was always the same: "It's as easy as Pi!"
The key to all of Chester and Raymond's successful backyard barbecues was that Chester always manned the grill, never leaving it for a moment, while Raymond was in charge of all the side dishes which, on this occasion, included seasoned rice, guacamole, tortillas and refried beans.
Mervyn's monthly hunting trip got a real sock the time co-worker Jesse tagged along. Not only had Jesse heard about Mervyn's well-stocked wine cabinet, but he's always wanted to try to back himself a buck...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Whether it's the wine, the shades, or both...but someone's going to be seeing pink elephants. I just hope them rifles ain't loaded!

Poseidon3 said...

Bucks 'n booze... and not only the guns are loaded!