Tony and Norb had everything ready for a weekend of fun: the motel room, the booze, the folding chairs for the front stoop and the Spanish Fly. Now all they needed were some nubile passersby...
Charlie Chaplin's third marriage was so brief (annulled within two days after an impromptu ceremony in Tijuana) that most biographies don't even include it, even though his bride Nevinia received a healthy settlement of $15,000.
Regina loved stopping by for a cup of Sanka and all the latest neighborhood dish, but this time even her own usual level of expectation was outdone by the news of what was going on between Mr. & Mrs. Mennage and their renter Terrence!
Nubile passersby beware: I suspect after a few cocktails, the Super 8 camera is going to come out.
Does it have "Auto-Focus?!" :-P
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