Tuesday, October 4, 2016


As his father continued to heave him up and down, with only two fingers in the balance between him and the floor, Hiram really began to regret having used his hands to spread butter all over the biscuit he had for breakfast in his walker just minutes before!
Sylvie and Tonia were having a devil of a time with the door in their dorm room, so they called upon their across-the-hall neighbor Uma Backhertz to help them get it back on track!
Franco wasn't at all successful in this attempt to pilfer a large, rounded planter from the corner vendor and was sent packing by Mr. Krohn, but success came later when he sent his girlfriend Bonnie, who was wearing a maternity sweater, there to nab it for him.
Bonus Pic: Having spent six months in preparation for it, Jesse headed to Hollywood with an eye towards becoming the next Sylvester Stallone. Unfortunately, most of the agents there felt that, if anything, he might be the next Jim Nabors...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

OK, so Jesse might be a little Jim Nabors-y.

Nonetheless, I'd still invite him over for meatloaf and tater tots, providing he brings the wine.

Anonymous said...

Bull's-eye, Poseidon! Jesse does look like Jim Nabors!

Poseidon3 said...

"meatloaf and tater tots!" LOLOL

For all I know, this might be a personal snapshot of Jim in the late-'70s. Ha!