Friday, February 14, 2014


Sure it was a lot of trouble to go to just for a hamburger down at Roy Rogers', but Cheryl liked to dress exactly right for any occasion and rarely relaxed her standards.
Hillary's mother was always adamant that she change out of her good clothes before heading to the playground, but at least in this instance when she came home, the grass stains sort of went along with the dress...
For her second wedding, Gwendolyn opted for a pink dress and tiara rather than the traditional white.  About a week into their marriage, however, Kenny was wondering what he might wear to HIS second wedding!
Though initially taunted by her classmates, Cicely ultimately wound up as not only highly popular with the boys, but downright instrumental in getting the girls' basketball team off the ground and running!
As it had worked so well in raising her garden of sunflowers, Nancy decided to water little Cynthia regularly, too, in the hopes that she would finally outgrow her increasingly ragged selection of toddler clothes.
Byron wasn't particularly comfortable sitting this snugly and Cliff didn't even usually drink, but this is what the puppet wanted and the puppet ALWAYS got what he wanted...

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