Thursday, June 20, 2019


Upon his first return home on leave, Private Slocombe had to admit to himself that the professionally-airbrushed, wallet-sized photo of Denise that he carried with him was quite a bit more captivating than the real thing...
Tiddles loved it when Richard and Vonda spent time in their pool and on the bridge and patio because it temporarily removed any blame for little puddles and wet marks in the area...
Georgia's transformation of service station manager Clem into her ideal date was nearly complete. She'd taken him to every good store in town for shirts, suits, shoes and even a good haircut. Only one key element remained...


BrianB said...

Personally I would rather see Clem in his blinding white socks than the current trend of men wearing dress shoes without socks at all. Why would anyone highlight the most unattractive part of a male body unless you are one of those drab, morose fashion stylists that are currently getting work telling insecure male celebrities how to dress. I've seen the pictures of these women and some of them look like they just got off the tractor plowing the north 40!

But really Clem, you should know the focus should be on the face and if not there at least the groin area!

Tiddles is on my watch list! I'm not a squealer but hopefully Richard and Vonda will be more aware of the origins of the "spills" once I'm done!

I don't think I've ever posted before, but I love your pictures and captions and check them every day!


Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha! Thanks, Brian!! Initially I updated this blog on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, but then I changed it to Tuesday-Thursday, just so you know the schedule (which I try to keep! It ain't easy running two blogs along with my life! LOL) As we get older, we all shake our heads at trends that come along. My big SMH moment came a couple of months ago when I was told that many young people do not use a top sheet in their bed anymore....!!!! And I will NEVER become used to bobby pins used as highly visible hair accessories. They lost me on that one.

BrianB said...

OMG Poseidon3, I just realized it was you! For some reason I never looked at who was posting remarks! I've been looking at this blog for quite a while now, it's in my favorites list. I love these old pictures but at one point I thought "one of these days I'm going to open this blog and find a picture of myself from the old days!" How do you find these pics? I've been to antique stores that have baskets of old photos titled "Instant Relatives".

Well I can't believe you said bobby pins! Yesterday I made one of my rare stops at the post office and when I walked up to the window and put my box on the counter there was a black bobby pin! I had forgotten they even existed! That of course led to jokes with the funny lesbiterian clerk about it not being mine because my hair wasn't "up" that day!

I'm speechless over no top sheet! Do they just put the blanket over them? Do they wear some kind of garment so their naked bodies aren't rubbing against the blanket, because you'd have to wash the blanket every week! Well, I guess you never know!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Poor Denise! Her sofa has more character than she does.

As for Georgia, I see she's got a little Ethel Merman thing goin' on.

Poseidon3 said...

Yes, Brian, I'm everywhere! Ha ha! I don't reveal my sources for these photos, but I too have seen the "Instant Relatives" thing at antique stores. I LOVE old pictures. L-O-V-E! Hence, this second blog wherein I try to reveal somewhat more humor than at P.U. :-) If I recall correctly, the fiends with no top sheet use a duvet cover and that's their bedding. They take it off and wash it (whenever they do.)

Knuckles, sadly for Clem, Georgia is in her "Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" period of Etheldom....