Tuesday, June 20, 2017


And so Agostina learned the hard way not to sit for a portrait with her older sister Philomena while holding onto a liverwurst finger sandwich, for a millisecond after this shot was taken, Bertrand snapped up the sandwich and very nearly part of her hand with it!
Arnie was so proud to earn a badge for his marksmanship that it almost made up for his near-miss in botany and abject failure at flower-arranging...
Helena listened intently as Mr. Paris' secretary informed her that he was still in a meeting and not seeing anyone, though she knew in her heart that there were no circumstances under which she was leaving the office without confronting him over the way his parked car had bent several blades of grass in front of her adjoining gift shoppe...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Are you sure Agostina isn't doing that urban-myth peanut-butter surprise-party thing?

Poseidon3 said...

I think either way Bertrand wants what she's got! ;-)