Tuesday, March 8, 2016


As fun as the place was, the one big downside for Filbert at Camp Chumbawumba was that every bathing suit issued for swimming hole time was "one size fits all!"
Sergeant Crickshank had received a call about possible domestic violence at The Shakertons, but when he and his partner arrived on the scene, they discovered that George and Myra were merely engaged in some sporty fun in their backyard.
Theo's visit with Winnie the Pooh went great up until the moment that Pooh patted him on the head with the same paw he used to scoop honey out of the beehive, requiring a couple of vigorous shampoos that evening to get the sticky out...


Anonymous said...

Filbert and The Shakertons remind me that I need to start exercising!

Poseidon3 said...

Oh, me too! I got fattened up for a winter that never really came! LOL