Friday, February 20, 2015


Diane and Denise, recent graduates of the Zombie School of Dentistry, took time for a quick snapshot prior to beginning their careers as the resident tooth extractors over at Dr. Chisel's practice.
Vanessa allowed Charmain to sit up in the armchair only when company was over and only so long as she was careful to place her paws over the burn holes in the upholstery...
Burnside, Arizona had very strict jaywalking bylaws and even employed a special agent, George, to zip around town enforcing the policy at every given opportunity.
Since she was a little girl, Cynthia had dreamed of a church wedding, but her restaurateur groom wasn't up for it. He did, at least, compromise and ask busboy Malcolm to put up an appropriate mural for atmosphere.
Everyone agreed that the Stepington Fourth of July Parade was fun, but would have been a whole lot more pleasant, and in the end less messy, had someone taken Snoopy for "a walk" before allowing him to fall in with the rest of the revelers.
Roxanne was so thrilled with her bust enhancement supplements that she doubled up on them, never even bothering to read the label which gave earnest warnings about the possibility of excess facial hair when taken in large doses...

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