Monday, June 23, 2014


Renee and Rick always loved having secret, whirlwind assignations in the coat closet of the Burnished Acorn Golf Club, but unfortunately this time Madge Atkins happened to be in there herself, secretly cheating on her strict diet with a slice of triple-meat, thick-crust pizza!
Billy was due to meet his bride Dee Dee at the end of the aisle within moments, but couldn't resist one last snuggle with Raymon before the ceremony was complete and the deal was sealed!
Thanks to some careful networking and bribery, Johnny Clyde was able to arrange a getaway horse, allowing him to escape from his playpen, though it turned out in the end that his freedom was short-lived...
People inquired endlessly to Mrs. Chumley about what it was exactly that she fed Rufus in order to make him grow the way he did, but apart from having filled his bottles with heavy whipping cream instead of 2% milk, she couldn't think of anything unusual she'd ever done...
Miriam Perry was ecstatic to receive her Citation of Merit from the American Institute of Interior Design, though many feel she had a leg up on the competition simply because she never required the use of a ladder and could, thus, manage her time far more efficiently when hanging drapes or painting the ceilings.
Things took a swift turn for the worst at Tonio and Charlene's reception when he briefly considered carving into her instead of the wedding cake!

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