Friday, June 13, 2014


Berniece couldn't get over how comfy her drive from Wheeling, West Virginia to Sandusky, Ohio was since other previous times she would experience back strain after the first hour, but she wasn't about to question why...
In what was easily one of the closest races ever in its four-year history, Burt Sparks (and the previous year's winner, LaVerne Douglas) presented the title of Ms. Elmwood Grove to Thelma Jackman while the runner-up Bette Evans forced a smile for the cameras.
While it was fortunate that Nico had two good buddies like Albie and Ron who could get him home to thaw out, this was definitely the last time he would sit outside this way trading baseball cards on such a frigid day!
Since the chops were still marinating, the soup wasn't hot and Rodney was not yet back with the bucket of chicken, Wanda and Gert decided to toss a few quick appetizers onto the grill to hold them over till suppertime.
A family portrait underneath Great Uncle Woody's tree seemed like a great idea for The Dropling Family until Bryan's cap gun frightened all the birds who were roosting above, causing a real mess...
Though Wally felt it was never too soon to introduce Cara to the family's favorite beverage, Renate still thought that she should teach her daughter to pace herself, lest a nasty hangover might rear its ugly head the following morning.

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