Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Celebrating our 700th post of vintage snapshots!
Bruno knew from the last time that Eleanor had asked Phil and him to pose this way that "the boys" could slip out, so he placed his hand strategically; a gambit Phil wasn't yet up on...
One of the perks for Christopher of dating Brooke was that she loved to sew and she often made a variety of things for him from quilts to his own patchwork swimwear.
Bernice had made the fatal error of crossing the inlet at low tide and now faced the specter of possibly getting her suit (or maybe even hair!) wet as she needed to make her way back to the other side for lunch!


Shawny said...

Bruno’s homemade white hair extension was giving Phil some real excitement...

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! Bad towel placement by the lifeguard (not to mention camera angle by Eleanor!) She should have gotten even closer to Phil and his "netting!"

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Sailors on leave, bathing-suit slippage, not a woman in sight. Just where exactly is this beach?

Poseidon3 said...

Baby, if I knew I'd be typing this from there right now...!