Tuesday, March 27, 2018


For Wilhelm, having a public pool at the foot of his Alpine mountain retreat was a win-win situation. It allowed him to get a little sun and splashing in while the hike to and from, over and over - up and down the hill, kept him in shape!
Lon knew he was not allowed to play in the living room, not only because his mother's most cherished and breakable possessions were kept there, but also because he'd been guilty of wetting on the carpet two or three times and his parents were getting really annoyed by that!
Susie and Robin had a very patient mommy who let them have fun at bath time, but she had to draw the line when they began to reenact "The Poseidon Adventure" and managed to get water clear out into the hallway!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

For some strange reason, I suddenly feel like getting naked and watching The Sound of Music.

Hmmm! Wonder what that's all about...

Poseidon3 said...

And "The Lonely Goatherd" might not be lonesome for long! :-D