Tuesday, July 5, 2016


In one of the great injustices of his life in the 1970s, Mario finally got his bachelor pad decked out precisely the way he'd been wanting it, but then realized he had an allergy to plastic!
She'd suspected it for most of her childhood up to this point, but it wasn't until she witnessed it in writing that Ellen realized how little her mother really cared about any of the details surrounding her, up to and including her name!
Attendance at the weekly Fernhedge Country Club dances increased dramatically when they finally offered babysitting services on-site, so that there was far less trouble finding someone to watch the little ones on a Saturday night!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Correct me if I'm wrong...but I suspect that the Fernhedge Country Club might have been the first organization to actually host a key party and the first club to be hit with a syphilis law suit.

Anonymous said...

Ellen better overlook it and eat the cake before she hits the "I'm-on-a-diet" phase.

Poseidon3 said...

HA HA HA! Both of you... These people all crazy.