Monday, September 30, 2013


It confounded Uncle Jess that EVERY Thanksgiving, just as he was in the middle of relaying the tale of how he was once wrestled to the ground by a wild turkey, Timmy decided that that was the time he had to go to the bathroom...
Amateur Talent Night at the Cloudy Noggin Sanitarium did seem to bring about a, shall we say, eclectic and diverse assortment of acts...
Cousin Richie enjoyed spending quality time with his younger relatives, often putting together model cars and ships, but occasionally Jeff would grow jealous of the attention that little Mickey received, so he'd hide or break some of the pivotal pieces from the kit.
The Mullane kids really didn't like being dropped off at school in this manner, but ever since mom Agnes crashed the Pontiac, there was little other choice besides walking four miles, which was near impossible.
No sooner had Hilda filled the pool, inserted the lounger, blown up the raft, mixed up a fast Harvey Wallbanger, lit a cigarette and situated herself in the sun than the phone rang!
Joyce simply couldn't understand how an otherwise pleasant evening spent with friends had to be spoiled by Clint's never-ending quest to undo her brassiere!

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