Friday, October 31, 2014


Special bonus photos today!
It was a particularly fruitful day of crime-fighting for detective Dick Tracy, who managed to nab both King Kong and a local witch in one quick turn around the city.
And so the frenzied finale of the Miss Shelley Idaho pageant resulted in a first-ever tie, with Mrs. Russet awarding both Peg and Pat a cash prize...
With The Leak Family's annual pumpkin carving event under way, Dickie worried and wondered how long it would be before his sister Trina realized that during the long wait for the festivities to end, he'd already "gone" in hers!
It was close, but Mrs. Foreman almost didn't manage to hide the full-size candy bars in time for the kids with the cruddy costumes who were headed up the walk.
Betty was so proud of her expensive, hand-made unicorn costume, but as the night wore on, she became increasingly dismayed as party guests kept coming up to her and asking her to sing a verse of "Memory"...
Although Daniel and Danielle were fraternal twins, they nonetheless enjoyed dressing alike all the way from infancy to that last year of college.
While it's true that Barb took longer than other Girl Scouts to win them, she did finally earn her badges for housecleaning and hair styling, thanks to her mentors, Yvette and Bonnie Sue.
Though ultimately it was cut from the Walt Disney film adaptation, a little known fact is that while Perdita was pregnant with 101 Dalmatians, Pongo suffered sympathy weight gain right along with her.
Knowing that the name "The Village People" was already claimed by one music group, this gaggle of folks from Backwater Falls, Pennsylvania ultimately settled on The Hamlet People for their band.
During all the hubbub of the 1988 Gary Hart scandal, Nancy Reagan lay awake at night worrying that this snapshot of Ronnie might be made public and focus unwanted attention on her husband's own active social life during his time in The White House!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As it turned out July fourth was as long as Armando could wait to use the moss green icing he'd picked up at 50% off on Arbor Day at Remke's that April. 
Helena was still miffed about the bad block that Irene had given her during that day's field hockey match and decided to take it up with her back in the locker room.
One thing Bethel loved about staying at the Route 23 Doze 'n Goze Motor Lodge was that each morning a complimentary serving of coffee was delivered to each guest's door, complete with a patch of leftover tinfoil on top of the carafe to keep it good 'n hot!
Decades before anyone coined the term "going green," Marion thought she'd recycle Will's newspapers in to a party dress. The problem was, Will's friend Hugh kept looking under her hemline in order to "read the funny pages!"
Hillary was ready to call it a night and head off to bed, but Patrice wouldn't let her even think of the idea until she regaled the dinner guests with a spirited rendition of "Animal Crackers in my Soup."
Yes, Rona might have been courting trouble camping all by her lonesome out at Mount Hyman Forest and Blue Gill Reserve, but after all, she had her vicious guard dog Claw with her to ward off any unwanted attention.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Cliff rose at 4:30am in order to get to his favorite fishing hole at Glory Springs, but never did catch a single fish. Along about 9:15, he did hook himself a park ranger, though!
Cy and Meece came up with the hare-brained idea of fixing their basketball with Krazy Glue and then listening closely to hear if air was escaping. From this point on, their close friendship became even more solidified...
While Dianne deeply appreciated the wedding present that her maid of honor Georgia created especially for her and her new husband Henri, upon closer inspection, some of the pale blue numbers didn't get completely covered up, nor did the paint that came with the kit completely cover the entire span of the "canvas."
His potty training long behind him, Petey next decided to demonstrate to everyone in the household his brand new mastery of going number one in the "urinal!"
On their way to the park for a photo shoot to promote their latest folk album, The Quail Family asked Grandma to snap a quick Polaroid of them at home so that they could preview their hair and clothing.
Though he ultimately emerged from this with little permanent damage, this would indeed be the last time that Raymond would interfere with Clubber, the family's Great Dane, during supper time...

Friday, October 24, 2014


Volunteer targets at The Veering Arrow Archery Range had it made. Not only did they earn $12.50/hour, but not one of the customers in Myopia, Illinois was good enough with a bow to come anywhere close to them while they posed in formation.
Edna Lou stepped outside to check on her begonia and daffodil bed only to find that Scudder had decided to convert the entire area into a bed of his own!
And so everyone gathered to wish Wilhelmena good luck on her pending voyage back to the old country. For some of the gals, though, like Charmaine for example, the boat couldn't slip out of the harbor fast enough...
Santa had been so good to Gwen, bringing her the tap shoes she'd had her eye on for months, that she immediately donned them and hurled herself into a Cincinnati time step right there near the tree.  Unfortunately, one of her stray steps landed on her mother Eileen's delicate bottle of L'Air du Temps perfume, crushing it into gravel before she'd worn even one drop.
Rodney was so thrilled with the view, not only of the lake, but of all the curvy ladies on hand as well, that he thought he'd better make sure his enthusiasm wasn't showing too much...
And so as Grandpa Wally told the story once more of how Elise left her roller skates on the second from the top step of the basement stairs, Arnold found it hard to contain his disdain for the unrepentant little girl.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Rico loved his new car with cruise control and sometimes on boring, lengthy stretches of road, he'd click it on and take a short cat nap rather than stay upright the whole time...
The Buttram sisters, Patsy and Fanny, always did as they were told, even at the leisurely family river camp, so when they saw a barrel that read "Cans Only," that's what they decided to put there!
Nancy's time with the Quazuli tribe had been fun and all, with them teaching each other several things during her stay, but as the livestock supply dwindled and with some lip-smacking stares headed her way, she figured it was time to move on before the next supper-time arrived.
Even though the rain had finally let up, Aunt Dorothy made quite clear her feelings about Gene and Debbie's decision to hold an outdoor wedding in mid-April...
Stefanie was having a whale of a time at Cyprus World, but for reasons unknown to her, she could never get her mother Bonnie Fae too close to the water attractions. She seemed to have an aversion to mist or any time of sprinkling.
One of the benefits of living in a small town like Red Cross, North Carolina was the fact that a simple occasion like Claire heading off to nursing school brought out the entire cheerleading squad for a rousing send off!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Hangeford Primary School had strict rules when it came to taking responsibility for one's actions. Since Meredith was the one who broke the rope swing on the playset, it was up to her to stand in its place until it could be repaired...
Never was Myrtle more annoyed with herself than the day she soared past Clem Larson's Filling Station for charging too much and proceeded up into the Poconos on an eighth of a tank.
Darlene was highly miffed that she alone was asked to sit at the kitchen table and not the dining room table with the rest of The Bickersons on Thanksgiving, especially since she'd brought along her treasured gourd candle-holders to help dress things up for the holiday...
Cynthia couldn't believe her luck in finally getting to eat with the grown-ups after being banished so long to the kiddie table and kept looking over her shoulder to be certain it wasn't some sort of joke. 
Irritated that Whizzer had decided to roll in the flower bed that morning, Pete had to fill up the sink and give him a bath, but, in the end, Pete wound up getting hosed down a little bit himself!
After careful inspection, it was official. Harry Nuttzach had clearly decided to come to the beach that day without benefit of his athletic supporter and caused a minor sensation among onlookers...

Friday, October 17, 2014


Rae Jean and Clarissa thought they were going to have an uneventful afternoon at Al Snyder's Swim-While-U-Wait Auto Body, but just then Rae Jean spotted Robbie the football captain coming in after a minor fender-bender.
Though both were highly-skilled basketball players, Barry and Harry Bird had one thing going against them and that was that they both wanted the ball at all times, yet played for the same team!
The calm before the storm as Ingrid was enjoying a pleasant day at Falling Acorn Arboretum until the landscaping truck behind her became caught in its gear and drove her scurrying into some nearby hedges!
Connie kept telling Rich that the champagne was tickling the inside of her cheeks, so he told her he would even things out by tickling the outside, too!
Folks in Butternut, Wisconsin never believed that The Land-O-Lakes Recipe Guilde was going to stick around for the long haul, but no one predicted that it would fall apart at the very first meeting when Alma discovered that Dorothy Jo had used Parkay margarine in her zucchini bread!
All of the girls from Der Schatz Primary School enjoyed their excursion to Hanover, but, sadly, not one of them, nor any of their chaperones, had thought to bring along a jar of mustard!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The writing should have been on the wall that first night Floyd came back from the Kalihari with his fiancee Koko and realized she had a eye on his father Bruce! Within two months, Koko went from his girlfriend to his step-mother...
After Monica fretted for weeks that little Eddie's ears were too big, her husband set out to disprove her concern by comparing them to Topo Gigio's, which allayed her fears for a while... until she started to focus on Eddie's nose.
Bert and Phyllis posed for a quick photo on the occasion of their 45th Valentine's Day together as a couple, but swiftly headed out the door in order to beat the rush at Morrison's Cafeteria and avoid missing out on the ruby red gelatin salad, which had a tendency to be snatched up quickly.
Pat discovered she could squeeze in a two-mile ride while the Hamburger Helper was simmering on the stove and hoped to up her output to three miles the next night when she was preparing Shake 'n Bake chicken.
Thus, Bryan found out the hard way that pranksters had sneaked in during the night and applied pine tar to the slide at Knotty Bog Campground and Carp Hatchery.
So Jason discovered, in the form of a black eye, that Stretch Armstrong could only be stretched so far before he began to resent it.